Portrait Painting with Gerard Castellvi
Gerard Castellví held a Portrait workshop in TIAC Academy - Beijing from July 22nd to August 2nd, 2019. During the workshop, students has the chance to paint portraits from life models and observe Castellví’s techniques during the demos.

About Gerard Castellví
Gerard Castellví was born in 1986 in Montblanc, Tarragona (Spain). In 2008 he studie Graphic Design, at EADT Escola d’Art De Tarragona. Shortly after, he decided to switch to a Fine Arts BA at the University of Barcelona in order to develop his artistic practice. In 2012 after graduating, Castellví continued to refine his artistic approach and that year was offered a place to study at the Florence Academy of Art. Whilst studying at the academy, in order to understand other creative points of view, he enrolled on workshops with notable artists, such as Antonio Lopez, Golucho, Sangram Majumdar, Max Ginsburg and Stuart Shils. He has work in part of the permanent collection of the MEAM, The European Museum of Modern Art and The Royal Academy of Arts in Barcelona and has been a finalist in the international competitions, Figurativas’15 and Figuratuvas’17. He has also exhibited internationally in Hoki Museum in Tokyo and other cities such as Shangai, London, Salzburg, Madrid and Barcelona. Gerard currently lives and works in Barcelona, dividing his time between exhibiting and working as the Director of the Painting Program at the Barcelona Academy of Art.